Jane 10th July 2008

I was looking around the web last night and was shocked to learn of Paul's recent death.I knew Paul over 30 years ago when we were at College. I was a very naive 18 year old who befriended Paul and soon learned about a world of gay and lesbian politics. He also introduced me to the fun world of drag: the Black Cap in Camden Town soon became my favourite haunt! Even though it was such a long time ago I have such vivid memories of Paul: his sense of fun, his total irreverence and his passionate commitment to social justice.Time spent with Paul was never dull and he has influenced my political vision to this day. After College days we lost contact, although there have been a couple of telephone conversations. I had always hoped that we might meet up again one day - sadly it wasn't going to happen. I will never forget Paul and that friendship from all those years ago. Jane